About Us
Are you looking at different ways and the right strategy to connect to your target base? Do you want to know more about the content that your constituents are interested in, so that you can serve them better? Do you want to map your electorate so that you have the right information about them at your finger tips? Do you want to make use to the latest technology to reach out to your voter base? Are you looking out for the right tools, which can enhance your chances of winning in the elections? Are you looking for experts who can better run your political campaign?
Well, look no more, because you’ve landed at the right place!
We at Rajneethi Political Management consultants specialize in strategic Political Communication, Constituency Profiling and Management, Campaign Management, Digital Media Management and Content Placement strategy, Polling & Political Data Analysis. Our business arena is focused mainly around the Study, Creation and Implementation of strategies designed to optimize your political actions and outcomes to make your objectives a reality. With politics as our heart-calling, our team of expert consultants have worked with companies, causes, campaigns, candidates and parties in India and other Asian Countries.
We indulge in Strategic Planning, Mobilization and Organization at the grassroots and grasstops. We’ve always laid special emphasis on exhaustive geographic and demographic investigation in our Campaign Plan. Being data driven and incorporating the latest technology has always been at the the heart of our problem solving approach. Filled with zest and zeal, our team comprises of experts from different areas including: Strategists, Researchers & Content Developers, Communicators, Design & Creative thinkers, Audio-Visual Production, Media personnel, Event managers, Socio-Politco-Economic Analysts and Logistic managers. We are made up of people from the leading management and technical institutions like IIMs, IITs and VTU and we take pride in the diversity of thought and culture that we bring to the table. With this robust team in place, we have successfully involved in elections across India for more than 8 years.
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We are political enthusiasts who love to get involved in meticulously designing the right strategies, conceptualising innovative campaigns, work on developing and delivering the right message, reaching out and influencing the electorate and persuading them to act. We can be your one-stop-poll-solution-provider who can empower you to win the election. We embrace and adopt the latest technology to make your job much more easier. We believe in bringing in complete Transparency & Accountability into the Political system, in the process making democracy much more vibrant, robust, participative and representative. To make this happen, we have an umbrella of services.
Constituency Profiling
The secret and perhaps the success of your campaign hinges upon knowing your electorate better, the ongoing trends along with the issues, identifying the key influential people and most importantly the swing voters in your constituency. The revolutionary R-VIP (Rajneethi - Voter Interaction & Profiling) Application is a major foot forward for achieving this. The in-house designed and developed Application can be used to manage detailed Polling Booth wise Political Analysis of a Constituency. The profiling consists insights on the Present Political Equations, Caste Composition of the Constituency, Influential People, Politically Relevant Issues', Party workers, voting trends along with the Profiling of Electorate. The Constituency Profile is supplemented by an analysis of the previous election results to understand and map the voting behaviour, analyse the voter enthusiasm and turnout and the traditional political affiliation. A SWOT Analysis of Polling Booths is deduced and areas of opportunity are identified to work upon. A detailed analysis of this data and its potential implications are your first step in building a strong foundation for a successful political campaign. Of course, one who knows better can act better.
Opinion Polls
A neutral, un-biased Opinion Poll is a very important tool to gauge the mood of your voters, if elections were to happen today. The Swing in the mood of the voters is identified along different demographical splits like - caste, economic strata, education, age and gender. To make the process more sound, both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies are applied. And it is not about the number of samples, but the quality in them. With multiple levels of quality checks, we know how effectively to ensure it.
Data & Analytics
With so much of data moving around and gathered everyday, it is all upto how much of sense we can make out of it. As Max Levchin said, “The world is now awash in data and we can see consumers in a lot clearer ways”. Data will have to be made use of to know our target base better and to understand their needs and expectations. Tell you what, there is nothing so terrible as activity without insight. Our team of Data Analysts, know how to solve this problem for you. We have a knack of reading between the lines to convert this data into information and package this into meaningful insights so that you can evaluate program performance and make better decisions about targeting the right audience and how best to reach them. Eventually the numbers and spreadsheets are converted to data-driven actionable for you.
Campaign Management
Campaigning is the most important phase and effectively managing it becomes all the more crucial which can eventually decide the outcome of your election. Our approach for Campaign management is based on utilising the latest techniques & applying the best practices. The R-VIP with its integrated data engagement dashboard measures your program’s impact and performance in real time to ensure that your campaign is going all guns blazing. With the R-VIP, our Data & Analytics team shall produce a regular analysis of key performance indicators of your campaign and make recommendations on how best to improve them. Sophisticated offline and online strategies coupled with attention to detail often leads to successful engagement campaigns. Be it data-driven online approach, mobilising grassroots, engaging grass tops messengers or build a movement from the ground up, we have done it before and we would love to do it for you again.
Creative & Innovative Content
Successful Campaigns depend a lot on devising innovative methods to reach out and convince your electorate. Multiple reach out modes are indeed necessary because all the electorate may not be available on a single platform, especially since there are multiple-screen content consumers. Multiple rounds of reach out campaigns are also necessary to bring about a psychological change mainly amongst the swing voters, and to ensure that this change translates into action. So, a good on-ground strategy needs to be coupled with a strong and effective creative strategy. From creating story-boards, to script writing, to design and production, our creative team are experts at capturing the imagination of the audience and delivering the core message. We are masters in telling your story in a fresh way every single time.
Manifesto Creation
A successful manifesto creation is all about hearing to the needs of your electorate, understanding those needs and making sure that you recognise the opportunity they present to you. For you to be a successful leader, you have to believe that your electorate is your partner in your mission. We do that coalition building for you by connecting your electorate with you. Also remember, a promise no matter how articulate is, will become meaningless if it is not fulfilled. Hence, the fundamental aspect in building a manifesto is to see what are the promises which are indeed required and aspired by the electorate, and perhaps commit to only those which can be fulfilled in the stipulated amount of time.
Content minimum, connect maximum
The present era can rightfully be called as the “Information Era”. Hence Data Analysis and Content Formulation will remain in the forefront of any campaign. Thus, Content is, and will be the king. Understanding your audience is a key to generating engaging content. Our experts extensively work on Research & Data Collection, Ideation, Content Creation, Content Curation and Content Placement strategies to maximise the reach and impact. We love creating content which can connect to and engage your audience and in turn drive more traffic to you. The secret to effective content writing is to make it Clear, Concise and Compelling.
Digital Marketing
The truth of the matter is, the world is going digital. And it is imperative for you to be present where your target audience are present. Hence it is of utmost importance for you to evolve and have the right online presence. Our digital strategists are specialists in creating a smart and unique digital strategy tailor-made for you, including creative content creation, targeting the right audience and amplification of your message. Social media has been a place where people are open about their personal views and opinions. A good digital strategy is indeed necessary to capture people’s attention, earn their loyalty, generate an interest, and turn this enthusiasm into action. The key to having a vibrant digital presence is by creating interactive content, displaying compelling creatives, build conversations and have a constant interaction by listening to them as much as we talk.
PR & Advertising
You have so delicately handcrafted a message which is full of potential to create an impact on the minds of your electorate. Now, it is all the about the timing and the placement of it. Your message won’t create much of an impact if that reaches the wrong place or is placed at the wrong time. This is precisely where we will be of help. We can put your message right in front of the people who needs to see it. We deliver your message to the right people for whom it matters and to people who can resonate with your message. We also train and assist you to develop the skills to deliver your message through a speech or an event or a TV show. Our media planners work in sync with our researchers, content developers and the creative team to segment the target audience and package the content into different forms to suit the demands of the platform across which the content is placed. With constant monitoring and optimisation in place, we can help you in identification of the high-performing platform and accordingly guide your spends on different platforms to ensure that your money reaches the farthest.
Election Monitoring
In the connected world we live in, elections in one state cannot be treated in isolation from elections in another state. Likewise, elections in the 3-tier government structure is also closely inter-related. Hence keeping a close watch on the election happenings is absolutely essential. Elections not just declare the victor and loser, but also subtly indicate the momentum swings towards or against a party and the voter enthusiasm towards the elections. Hence Election Monitoring is indispensable to strategise your way forward.
Brand Building
Brand Building or image makeover is all about re-discovering the overall purpose of your brand. It is about how you can make yourself more relevant to the present day and how you can match the expectations of your target audience. We help you to get on the right track by making you more relevant for this day. Image makeover is more about discovering truths about yourself and the process begins with a series of questions being posed to unearth these truth about you. The more we understand you, the better we can position you. We help you in evolving your brand statement, which shall henceforth be visible in every action of yours. Always remember, you are your own brand ambassador. You ought to be the first person to market that brand of yours and displaying your brand statement.
Leadership Training
Leadership is not about a title or a designation. Its about impact, influence and inspiration. Great leaders always find a way to unite and engage people, build and hold an organisation together. Leaders are not born, but are sculpted. Leadership skills can be acquired through the process of training, learning, perception building, practice and experience. And we equip you with the right tools to undergo this transformation. Few of the world’s best personality development trainers are consultants with us and we are ready to take you through that most awaited journey. Strong leaders are the real difference makers, and they leave their mark on the world. Are you ready to make your mark?
Fund Raising
Finance is generally regarded as the lifeblood of any organisation. The success of your Fund Raising campaigns is largely dependent on the effective communication of what the purpose is, who is the face of your fund raising campaign or the leadership, and most importantly identifying your target audience. Fund Raising not just ensures you get more reserve to spend on your election campaigning, but also serves another major purpose. Money collected also ensures the commitment of the donor to the party, candidate, cause or the campaign, thus establishing and stabilising your vote base. So Fund Raising is not just about the money, it is about expressing their interest and their belief in you for advancing their aspirations. Prof Dale Carnegie says, “You’ll have more fun and success when you stop trying to get what you want and start helping other people get what they want”. Hence, it is paramount to keep the donor at the heart of this fund raising activity.
Movement Building
Victor Hugo said: “Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come”. So your message or an idea can become unstoppable only when it gets converted into a movement. Your idea of change or your message for action needs to become a household topic of discussion. The world is witness to many progressive thoughts which were born on the ground through such people movements. Building such a movement on the ground is all about connecting with likeminded groups and eventually getting the voices multiplied. We are experts in weaving this network by activating the grassroots and engaging the grasstops, identifying people who will be your cause-ambassadors, building coalitions with similar groups, reaching out to policymakers and looping in donors for such a cause.
Tech Assistance
That’s precisely how technological advancements have happened over the last couple of decades. We’ve realised that the world is transforming fast, and hence innovation is hardcoded in our culture. Technological advancements have subsumed most of the domains including politics and governance. You are hardly left with a choice rather than embracing the latest technology and reaping the benefits out of it. We are here for you just for that. Be it from Website developments and Mobile App building to Big Data Analytics, Predictive Analytics and incorporating Artificial Intelligence, the tech team at Rajneethi is adept in harnessing the capabilities of the right technology to address your needs. Brian Reed said “Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.” Here, we design the awesome, just for you.
Voters Touched
Core Team

Sharas Chandra
Founder & CEO
Rohan Abhimanyu
Chief Operations Officer
Vijay Rao
Chief Relationship Officer
Naveen Kumar
Director, North India Operations
Strategic Advisor
Ashutosh R. Bhoje
Principal Analyst - Research & Insights
Srinivas TG
Chief Political Strategist
Raghu VS
Chief Political Technologist
Pranav Gambhir
Associate Director, Business Development
Lead - Policy Analysis & Evaluation
Ramu B
Senior UI/UX Lead
Vinod S
Data Scientist
Milan Kumari
Human Resources
Chetan K
Digital Marketing Executive
Ashwini Kulkarni
Accounts & Administration
Naveen DE
Junior UX Engineer
Mahesh K
Junior Data Analyst
Sachin Komar
Political AssociateHonorary Members

Dr.Padmaraj Dandavathi
Sr. Journalist - Literateur